All of Jesus for All the World

Unprecedented turmoil in our country, protests, riots, anger, distrust over the validity of the upcoming elections, lost jobs, unemployment, isolation, and the lurking of an invisible virus… It is easy to become overwhelmed or at least preoccupied by all that is going on. And that’s exactly what the enemy wants. When we have so much to deal with, we forget that Jesus asked each of us to spread the Gospel. Not everyone is called to be a pastor or a missionary, but every one of us is called by Jesus to take our small part in telling others about the wonderful truth we were given by God’s grace and mercy. It is easy to forget about all the masses of people who live their entire lives in cultures and societies where they have written off Christianity as an old, worthless fable. But with us you CAN reach many of those lost souls with God’s truth, His love, and the message of salvation if you become a part of our team. We need your help! We are just ordinary people who gave up our main career and said yes to the Lord’s call to fully devote our lives to building His kingdom. Please check out our projects and pray to see if the Lord wants you to become a part of reaching the lost with us.

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