It is one thing to watch all the horrible things on the news…

 … and a totally different thing to hear it from someone who is living in the middle of it. Last week we spoke to a Hungarian pastor living and serving in the Hungarian-speaking area of Ukraine. He said that in the last two months their town’s population more than doubled with the many refugees who came from the war-torn areas of the country. They managed to provide them with food and shelter and are helping them in every way they can. Many of them are in shock and depression. Not only women but men and children have been raped by Russian soldiers and had to watch their family members going through the same abuse if not killed. The church was able to organize visits by groups of international doctors who came and tried to help them. Since then, those who have relatives in peaceful areas have left. Those who stayed with the church are the ones who have no one and nothing left and nowhere to go. They are the poorest and most desperate. 

We are planning to visit them, take them a few things the pastor said they would be happy for, and will run a little Soccer- Crafts-Bible camp for the kids. If you could help us with any small items in this Amazon Wish List, please do so. We are leaving before mid-June. Thank you!
UPDATE: We are grateful. We received everything on our wishlist. Thank you!

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