The Year 2020

As you may remember during last year, we tried four times to complete our planned mission trips. We had tickets for April, then in June, then in August, and finally in October, to put our plans in action and mobilize true Bible teaching Hungarian churches to launch their outreach. (Interesting fact: there isn’t even an expression in Hungarian for the word “outreach”. Wow!) All our flights and their re-booked flights were canceled, so in 2020 we could not go. But since most of our work (research, translation, writing, editing, artwork, print and layout design, web development, multimedia content creation, correspondence, and so on…) is done at home, we didn’t miss a beat. On the contrary, during the pandemic, we spent more time at home and were able to focus on the ministry without much distraction. Creating Gospel Tracts, and other short materials in Hungarian specifically for those who believe that the Bible is an old fable with no value for today’s rational man is the passion the Lord put into our hearts.
Please pray that He connects us to the churches and ministries in Hungary He wants us to work together with!

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