Lost Truth…

“In a world where truth is considered to be relative and where the masses are encouraged or even strong-armed into accepting everyone’s “truth” as valid, I often wonder if logic can still be used to persuade people. Personal feelings and ideologies often trump facts in the marketplace of ideas. Many people have become conditioned to accept the nonsensical in the name of pluralism and political correctness.
However, for the sincere truth-seeker, logic still serves its intended purpose. Facts are real and concrete. Truth is not relative, and our God-given ability to think logically is still one of the key things that separates us from the animals. Deep in our gut is a compass that points to true north despite the loud and deceptive voices of culture.”
– Todd Hampson

What is Sin?

Do you get irritated, or uncomfortable when you hear the word: “sin”? How about it this way then: “Sin disrupts the harmonies God created in this universe and then it resists God restoring those harmonies. It destroys the harmony between us and our creator. It destroys the harmony between us and others, it destroys the harmony between humanity and creation and it destroys the intended harmony within our own souls. …
When we deny sin, it leaves us spiritually tone-deaf. When you can’t recognize the wrong notes in the universe you can’t recognize the right notes in the universe, and the music of God’s truth whistles right through… and you don’t even detect it.
– Rock Dillaman (www.acac.net)