Mission Trip – Summer of 2021

Finally, we were able to travel to Hungary!!! We tried not to fall into our usual mistake and schedule too many things into each day. Every time we went there before to build God’s Kingdom our plans got changed anyway – either by the enemy’s attacks or because God opened new doors for us. During the long time we haven’t been able to visit, Budapest changed a lot, and not for the better.

Among other things, the number of homeless people was simply shocking. And almost without exception, they were elderly Hungarians, who after working all their lives now were not able to pay even their rent. Although this wasn’t in our plans, the Lord showed us the need and the opportunity for ministry. So, wherever we saw any homeless we gave them tracts, listened to, and helped as many as we could. Piroska néni was one of them. We listened to her story and with whatever cash we had, we were able to bless her with one month’s rent.

Later we got together with one of our missionary friends who regularly reaches out to the homeless. We gave him hundreds of tracts for which he was grateful.

In the middle of our trip, we spent a week serving in a full-time Soccer-Bible Camp helping our missionary friends to coach, mentor, and serve 30-some kids, some from the local orphanage. Csaba keeps contact with the older ones via social media and email ever since.

During our trip, Hungary just started to allow the organization of smaller cultural events. So the rest of the time we distributed almost 2,000 tracts on the streets, in malls, cafés, stores, and parking lots. The Lord also answered our prayers and connected us to other ministries. We met with them and discussed, and prayed about how we could work together and help each other to reach more people with the message and love of Jesus Christ not only in Hungary but also in other European countries.


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